Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How can I stop my Jack Russell (7 months) from jumping the fence & heading straight for the fields ???

I have just spent a fortune putting fencing around the garden to stop the dog getting out - he is only young but has very long legs and has just discovered he can now jump it (there is a 12ft drop the other side which doesn't deter him !!!)

I have tried tying him up on a moveable line but would love him to be able to run around the garden without re-designing the fence again !!!

How can I stop my Jack Russell (7 months) from jumping the fence %26amp; heading straight for the fields ???
Hot wire the top and bottom of the fence. This is relatively inexpensive.
Reply:Invest in an invisible fence, they are not that expensive and will not hurt your dog. The tiny shock waves are a lot less painful than a broken leg and a whole lot less painful in the wallet than a vet bill.
Reply:keep him on a leash for now and sign up for obedience classes. He does not respect the boundries you set up for him!

How high is the fence?
Reply:I had a JR for 17 yrs. who was an escape artist too. His name should have been Houdini. You just couldn't keep that dog in. They are renowned for this sort of thing. Mine would just take off and I wouldn't see him again for 7 hours sometimes. We tried everything to try and keep him from running off but nothing would deter the little devil. I'm afraid you either love them or you hate them. We loved him but it was very frustrating to say the least.

They are such loveable little rogues.

Enjoy the next 17 years!

Best of Luck.
Reply:you could try putting on a chain or you could build a 15 ft brick wall. he is probably not that stupid to jump over a 15 ft brick wall.

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