Monday, May 11, 2009

What design is better in a garden....?

...evenly placed plants that have space between them, or flowers everywhere? I want to put a mixture of hostas and flowering plants in next year, but I'm not sure if it will look too bare. Right now I have flowers kind of everywhere and it looks a bit messy. Thanks!

What design is better in a garden....?
I like to do both. In the yards I have planted, I have liked the idea of having a foundation planting of shrubs and massed plantings. Then at the entrance to the house and in backyard gardens I plant whatever I want, mixed together. My idea is that the mixed plantings are more labor intensive, so I keep them small, and located where I am most likely to see and enjoy them. The shrubbery in the background is easier to maintain and accents the more colorful beds of annuals or perennials.

I enjoy changing things around and trying new plants in the garden. I have just found that (for me) gardens can get overwhelming if they are too big and take constant maintenance.
Reply:It's your garden so it's your rules. Do what you like. You mentioned putting two plants together for symmetry, so you may prefer a more "formal" look, rather than a casual one, which may be why you think your garden looks messy. I personally like flowers planted in clumps rather than all lined up, but as I said, it's your garden and you're the artist, so you HAVE to do what you like. Remember that your hostas will die back each year so plan accordingly and try not to leave that area too bare (plant something evergreen nearby). Most importantly, have your garden reflect yourself and have fun!

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